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从芭比娃娃到风火轮, there’s a lot of tech and prep work that goes into customer presentations 和视频 production that supports a company’s branding and messaging. 这就是顶级玩具品牌美泰(Mattel)求助的原因 十大正规体育平台® 创建一个 内聚和健壮的语音通信解决方案 让他们的公司视频制作团队保持亚洲最大体育平台.

对美泰, its customer presentations and corporate productions are all about education, 订婚, 和协作. For the process to remain unified and consistently deliver a positive customer experience, 美泰高级AV技师和音频工程师, Jose Robles信任十大正规体育平台, testing their system constantly as a fail-proof communication tool for his AV production and corporate team.

With a mission to create innovative products and experiences that inspire and entertain, Mattel has a sophisticated corporate video production unit to capture its audience’s attention and tell its products’ stories - from webinars to toy demos, 销售报告, 以及投资者推介. These types of corporate communications and live events allow Mattel to adapt its message in a compelling way. Robles is no stranger to overcoming the challenges of event production and has regularly assembled the solutions needed to make a customer event, 体育赛事现场直播, 或音乐会无缝衔接.

“明确-Com offered us a network-friendly communications system to tie our six studios and our main corporate tower together - an extensive infrastructure that we need to keep connected,罗伯斯评论道。. “We host many live event presentations with broadcast quality content and technology, 把来自世界各地的人们聚集在一起, and have created an environment for high-value production and presentations. 这就是为什么我们选择 世外桃源® IP平台和 FreeSpeak二世® technology – it’s perfect for our corporate AV over IP environment that requires a large deployment of wireless users across multiple locations. We often must expand our communications to multiple venues and integrate outside participants or remote members of our production team. By using our existing IP network, we can quickly and reliably expand our intercom system.”

阿卡迪亚中央车站 is Mattel’s central communications hub that delivers a workflow platform helping the company deliver engaging brand experiences for its customers, 包括迪斯尼这样的公司, 亚马逊, 好市多, 和更多的. 阿卡迪亚与网络交换机捆绑在一起,利用了十大正规体育平台的  LQ系列 of IP connectivity interfaces, and supports third-party Dante devices. 在一起, this has created a smart IP communications solution across the entire Mattel comms infrastructure. Robles and his AV team can now manage all communications from a single location, without the need to have matrixed intercom systems at different ends of the network connections. The 十大正规体育平台 configuration software ensures the AV team can quickly set up users or troubleshoot without sending an on-site team to one of the production studios. +, the system can be easily expanded by adding more transceivers and beltpacks.

“我们还在整个建筑中添加了纤维, which combined with our 世外桃源 IP intercom system has been a game-changer,罗伯斯补充道。. “This is helping us futureproof our infrastructure against increased video bandwidth, 让我们可以传输更多的数据, audio, 和视频. I can simply patch any channel with another building now through fiber. +, we can transmit our content and communicate effectively during our productions over longer distances than ever before, 没有信号干扰. All ideal for our campus-wide AV systems, conferences, and presentations.”

从前期制作到每个公司生产, dependable and coordinated communications are a priority for Mattel. “明确, 即时, 以及摄制组之间的直接交流, 生产商, 照明的船员, 楼层经理, and the rest of our team in any of our live productions is critical to ensure everything is working smoothly,罗伯斯继续说道。. “It’s an immediate connection, so our team can talk and listen in real-time with their hands-free.”

The pandemic showed Mattel that remote was becoming the new reality, and today their production team is using a hybrid model that works well for them. 大流行期间, Mattel’s corporate productions and customer presentations continued during a period when many companies ceased operations. 在十大正规体育平台的IP能力的帮助下, the company provided remote access and comms for their technical team and customers to participate and interact in productions regardless of their location. This exercise proved that remote production and all the essential team communications around it could work well. “We’re just providing our team with the right tools to perform their job offsite, 他们都采用了这种以ip为中心的方法,罗伯斯继续说道。.

美泰也选择了 Agent-IC移动应用 许可证,在移动设备上增加对讲功能. 这个应用程序连接到美泰的网络, allowing remote production team members access to its intercom channels. “它就像我们团队的沟通粘合剂, 我们能够无缝地维持我们通常的工作流程. Agent-IC is a vital part of the success of our productions as it provides an intercom panel on a mobile device, 为我们的远程团队提供他们所需的通信连接. I really love the combination of 十大正规体育平台 technology – the wired and wireless options plus Agent-IC. It’s really helped remove a lot of the unnecessary back-and-forth emails that can waste time and energy for our production team as conversations are now in real-time. 从技术角度来看, 我可以调一下对讲机频道, 调整增益以改善通信用户的声音, 和另一栋楼的音频工程师一起解决问题, 都来自我的中央控制室.”

对美泰, the benefits of effective production communications include increased 订婚 with its B2B customers, 有效的销售和营销, 加强内部沟通. “明确-Com世外桃源, FreeSpeak二世, and Agent-IC have really supported us in our customer 订婚 strategies, 让我们的视频制作更上一层楼,罗伯斯总结道。.