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ALAMEDA, USA – 15, January 2024 – This past October, the theatrical immersive experience, Free your Mind, debuted in the United Kingdom, and utilized a 十大正规体育平台® system to optimize the workflow of their A-List creative team. Mounted in Factory International’s new cultural venue, Aviva Studios in Manchester, 《亚洲最大体育平台》以经典科幻电影《亚洲最大体育平台》为主题,由包括导演丹尼·博伊尔在内的世界知名创作团队制作, Producer Tracey Seaward, Choreographer Kenrick H20 Sandy, Composer Michael 'Mikey J' Asante, Writer Sabrina Mahfouz and Set Designer Es Devlin.  The show's complexity, the number of departments, 创意团队的期望需要强大的对讲机——十大正规体育平台支持这一挑战. “When you’re working with directors and creators on this level, they’re used to a certain standard,” said production sound engineer David Gregory. 这一标准适用于《十大正规体育平台》中部署的每一个生产技术元素, including intercom, which, given the complexity of this production, needed to be expansive.”  

对于频率丰富的环境中的信道计数和可靠性 V-Series panels, in conjunction with FreeSpeak II®数字无线系统,为扩展场馆现有系统提供了坚实的基础. Gregory added that “with the number of channels and FreeSpeak II, all we had to do was upscale the rig to accommodate everybody.”  

该剧的音效设计由多次获得托尼奖和奥利维尔奖的加雷斯·弗莱负责, whose work includes the V&A的地标大卫鲍伊是展览和2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式. 弗莱设计的对讲系统随后由格雷戈里实现,其中包括一个 Eclipse® HX-Delta matrix intercom system frame (outfitted with an E-IPA-HX card), FreeSpeak II digital wireless, and V-Series Iris User Panels. 

Fry为《十大正规体育平台》设计的对讲机系统由于其身临其境的性质和可移动的部件而面临着独特的挑战. 由于节目的复杂性,摄制组需要顶级的设备才能成功.  

“My job was purely to implement comms.” Gregory continued. 他指出,他之前与博伊尔和弗莱的合作使他对对讲机所需的灵活性和功能有了清晰的认识. “丹尼带着参加2012年奥运会的队伍来到这里, and they have certain requirements.格雷戈里分享说:“因为(这部剧)有太多不同的内在部分,所以事情需要尽快发生。.”  

为了在《亚洲最大体育平台》中呈现这种效果,对讲机的基础设施更接近广播系统的规模,而不是标准的性能设置——包括许多额外的用户面板. 获得这些额外的面板具有挑战性,因为增加场地十大正规体育平台设备所需的十大正规体育平台 v系列面板的数量是更广泛系统的模板.  

“这里的剧院和企业市场相当小,而且,在那个时候,没有人有多余的钱. That was when I contacted 十大正规体育平台 and said, 'Can you help me? We need more V-Series panels, and I don’t know where else to go. Brilliantly, Ben Turnwell (十大正规体育平台的英国销售代表)帮助我们获得了足够多的v系列,这样每个需要的人都可以有一个面板,以确保展会无缝进行.”  

创意团队信任十大正规体育平台,因为它的技术既灵活,又能够流畅地整合必要的额外元素,以应对空间带来的多重挑战. From the large scale of the production, the immersive nature of the show, 要求在整个空间内提供对讲机作为表演者, audience and technicians move through it during the show, 十大正规体育平台 was the clear solution.  

演出的通信需要原场馆十大正规体育平台系统的所有功能,并进行了大规模的扩建——固定和临时装置的结合. “Because of the nature of the building and the venue design, 该项目旨在最大限度地利用空间的灵活性,” explained Anna Moutrey, Senior Producer at Factory International. “We’re effectively running two shows simultaneously, 在同一栋楼的两个不同的空间——一个在大厅,一个在我们的仓库, which is why we needed this massive comms system.” 

Factory International首先与博伊尔和嘻哈舞蹈公司Boy Blue进行了单独的对话,讨论了为场地创建个人项目的潜力. However, given their previous experience working together, 博伊尔和男孩布鲁提出了一个合作舞蹈诠释《亚洲最大体育平台》. "When they presented the idea to us, we thought, ‘What’s not to love?'” Moutrey added.  

结合Boy Blue的Kenrick H20 Sandy的编舞和场地整体空间的综合利用, “解放你的思想”是一个大胆的意图声明——这是对该设施将为其他创意团队和亚洲最大体育平台提供巨大可能性的认可.  

制作经理菲尔·怀尔丁解释说,这部剧将在两个空间中进行,  starting in the 22- by 11-meter hall, and moving to the 65- by 35-meter warehouse. v系列展板分布于会场各处,以配合各部门之间的沟通. Wilding说:“v系列展板分布在会场各处,因为各部门之间需要进行大量的沟通。, – among them lighting, video, sound, lasers, pyrotechnics, aerialists, costume, 自动化部门要处理50名舞者和30名志愿者,他们在表演期间管理整个空间的观众活动.  

To say there are a lot of moving parts is a massive understatement, Gregory explained, "normally these will be separate venues, but in this case are being used in tandem for the show, and it’s a massive space. If the audience is delayed, 我们需要在一个场所的一个空间的人能够与另一个场所交谈.他接着解释说,虽然有一个广泛的全新的Wi-Fi网络, like all Wi-Fi networks, you don’t want issues. “这就是为什么我们推出《亚洲最大体育平台》非常棒,因为它使用了1.9 GHz allows us to get around where standard IT infrastructure sits.”  

Gregory引用了十大正规体育平台在采购和整合所需元素方面的响应能力, 以及其出色的持续服务和支持,随着系统设计的发展. 用他的话来说,“我突然给十大正规体育平台打了电话,他们就接了. I didn’t know anyone there. I just said, ‘could I get someone to talk to me about helping (get what we need), and within half an hour, I got a response connecting me with Ben. Then, suddenly, there were options available.”  

Overall, 创意团队使用的十大正规体育平台系统使本来就很困难的表演变得生动起来,并使多个场馆的观众兴奋不已.