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The award-winning range of FreeSpeak digital wireless products offer a broad array of solutions across three wireless bands and over IP.


The FreeSpeak family represents the largest installed base of digital wireless intercom systems used in over 70 countries across 6 continents. Anywhere you go in the world, you can find a FreeSpeak system.


Flexible operation with a combination of 1.9 GHz, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, three base station options or the ability to operate FreeSpeak from an Eclipse HX matrix via the E-IPA card. There’s a FreeSpeak solution that works for every type of application.


Connect FreeSpeak二世 IPT or FreeSpeak边缘 Transceivers over AES67 compliant networks via the FreeSpeak边缘 base station or an E-IPA card. The FreeSpeak边缘 Base also offers extensive interoperability with third-party Dante products.


FreeSpeak works right out of the box, making high-quality digital wireless intercom systems accessible to all. With “plug and play” operation and an intuitive interface, FreeSpeak systems can be up and running in minutes.

可靠的 & 健壮的

Boasting the most reliable and robust capabilities, FreeSpeak systems are built to withstand the rigors of real-world use in the most challenging productions.

You Can Hear Clearly Now

Delivering highly intelligible audio in environments where communication is critical, FreeSpeak systems deliver 7 kHz (FreeSpeak二世) and 12 kHz (FreeSpeak边缘) audio with ultra-low latency, ensuring your message comes through clearly.

A band dedicated for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone operation, also known as the DECT band.

Reserved for compatible DECT radio communication, the 1.9 GHz band is less likely to experience interference from other wireless products making it a dependable solution. 1.9 GHz is subject to multi-path in some environments and not all channels are available in all regions.

A license-free ISM band available
for use in most regions.

Being part of the 802.11 standard, the license-free 2.4 GHz band is reserved for industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) purposes. Most notably for Wi-Fi. With 14 total channels (not all are available in certain regions), wireless communications can be deployed without overlap or interference.

A license-free ISM upper band available
for use in most regions.

This ISM band allows the most user configuration, but this also means that it is the most complex to deploy. 5 GHz is ideal in highly reflective environments (c.f. DECT) and situations where the user has full control of the 5 GHz band.

FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station

Introduction to the FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station

FreeSpeak二世 Inspires

Installation of FreeSpeak二世 (Part 1)

Choose Your Own Wireless

FreeSpeak Family Base Station Options

十大正规体育平台 AoIP Network Recommendations

Learn what switches are recommended for AoIP (AES67 and SMPTE ST2110 compliant audio) networks


Central location for technical documentation, service and support information and marketing materials related to FreeSpeak二世 products.


Central location for technical documentation, service and support information and marketing materials related to FreeSpeak边缘 products.


Download the latest technical datasheets for all of the FreeSpeak Family products.